Publishing lots
Managing which lots will be visible to the bidders
Last updated
Managing which lots will be visible to the bidders
Last updated
We have a semi-formal process to the mamangement and appearance of the lots on the auction platform. This means you can manage the timeline between uploading, edit and publishing a lot to the buyers.
Once you have uploaded lots to an auction there will be changes and details you ant to change. You can do all of this in the background without the buyers seeing your work in progress.
All lots will start off as DRAFT. This means they are not visible to any buyers in the auction webiste. Only auction administrators and managers can see them.
The screenshot above shows one lot in DRAFT in the auction manager. You can published many lots at a time.
You do this by flipping the "Ready for publication' toggle from white to green.
You can select as many lots, row by row, on this page as 'Ready for publication'. Once you have chosen which lots to publish you then press 'Publish Lots' and all of the lots toggled to green will be moved to the 'Published' tab in the auction manager.
If you decide to you wish to remove any lot from the display on auction website, you can reverse publication by toggling the PUBLISHED lots to 'Mark for daft'.
Then press 'Unpublish Lots' and the selected lots will be moved to the DRAFT tab.